Who Do We Help?

Please read this entire page and learn about our criteria for accepting children into our program. If we can help you, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page.
MSCH may accept children who fulfill the Intake Criteria for Placement below.
Children may come from abusive environments where they have experienced neglect or trauma. Children may be challenged with Attention Deficit Disorder (or Hyperactivity) or struggle with mild mood dysregulation. Children may be showing rebellion towards their parents/guardians through defiant, disrespectful, or disobedient behaviors.
Children may be making poor decisions with their academics by not completing homework, ditching classes, or having multiple suspensions, including expulsion. Our mission is to care for children but keep in mind that we sometimes have limited bed space.
Private Placement Requirements:
- Private placement is contingent on meeting MSCH general criteria.
- Children and parents/guardians have completed an initial interview.
- Children and families must demonstrate motivation and commitment to following the expectations of the program.
- Parents/guardians support of the MSCH treatment program.
- Parents/guardians are open to a psychiatric evaluation if needed.
MSCH General Intake Criteria for Placement
The goal of MSCH is to help children develop into healthy, productive members within their family unit and in society. It is important before placement takes place that you are aware of MSCH placement criteria, including certain behaviors that are inappropriate for our programs. Each situation presented will be evaluated on an individual basis for consideration of placement.
Populations MSCH will serve or consider include:
- Children typically between the ages of 12–17
- The general population is around the ages of 14-15
- Children with the following diagnoses may be considered:
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Mild Mood Disorders
- Mild Attachment issues
- Depression/Anxiety
- Children with minor delinquency issues
- School Issues
- 6th grade is the lowest grade level we can serve at this time
- The level of rebellion of a child within the family including disrespect, defiance, disobedience of household rules and parental authority
- Children who have been subject to neglect, abuse, & trauma
- Level and intensity will be considered and evaluated
Populations that are NOT appropriate for our programs include:
- Children who have been charged with violent crimes against another person or crimes involving a weapon. Crimes include but are not limited to charges such as assault with a deadly weapon, murder, manslaughter, aggravated assault, and vehicular assault or homicide.
- Sexually offending children who have an open investigation or case with the Department of Social Services/Judicial system or where an investigation has confirmed the sexual perpetration allegations with a confirmed substantiated child and who have not had Sex Offender Specific Treatment.
- Multiple charges/incidents related to fire starting/arson in which the child has not received treatment or has engaged in fire starting in the past three years.
- Active reported and legal documentation of current gang involvement. Children in leadership roles within a gang and have no desire to change their behaviors.
- Children who have demonstrated active suicidal (within 24-72 hours) tendencies or homicidal plans and intent.
- Children with any untreated infectious and contagious diseases.
- Runaway and/or homeless children without parent(s)/guardian(s) authorization/consent for placement.
- Children with drug/alcohol addiction
- Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Children with low IQ or developmental issues
- Severe attachment disorder issues (Reactive Attachment Disorder)
- Children diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder
- Children with multiple diagnoses who require multiple medications to maintain stability
- Likely would require a more intensive environment/program
Steps of the Intake Process
- Review the information above
- Fill out the Placement Inquiry Form below
- Application
- Interview with the therapeutic team
- Placement (Out-of-state placements may take longer)