Mission Statement

Mountain States Children’s Home Extends Christian services to wounded children in an effort to meet their physical needs, heal their emotional hurts, challenge their minds, and teach them moral principles, in order to reach the goals of reuniting them with their families or preparing them for independence. This is accomplished by utilizing a family model of care, strengthened by professional counselors and teachers.
A Deeper, More Comprehensive Level of Care
Healing and restoration for wounded children do not occur merely through a singular type of treatment. We are whole beings: body, mind, and spirit. Each aspect needs to be addressed to pave the healing journey. Luke 2:52 says, “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” We desire that those words could be spoken of each child who passes through our doors.
That’s what sets Mountain States Children’s Home apart. We offer a depth of care that is far more comprehensive than what stand-alone counseling services, typical group homes, or even many foster or kindred care homes can provide. Our children are placed in a safe and secure environment in one of our loving family homes where we begin to build them up in every aspect of their lives.
We Want These Children to Become Truly Successful
Success can be defined in many ways. A person may have a thriving business that brings great financial gain. Success may be fame or a position of influence politically, in a community, or professionally. It may be a physical accomplishment such as climbing a mountain or winning a race.

Our goal at Mountain States Children’s Home is to teach children to be successful in a different way. Our desire is for our children to learn godly character traits such as loving others, treating others as they would like to be treated, dependability, forgiveness, gratefulness, honor, humility, obedience, responsibility, respect, self-control, truthfulness, and wisdom. These are some of the foundational principles of true success in life.